TONT 40303 为什么对话框最初创建时是隐藏的?



You may not have noticed it until you looked closely, but dialog boxes are actually created hidden initially, even if you specify WS_VISIBLE in the template. The reason for this is historical.


Rewind back to the old days (we’re talking Windows 1.0), graphics cards are slow and CPUs are slow and memory is slow. You can pick a menu option that displays a dialog and wait a second or two for the dialog to get loaded off the floppy disk. (Hard drives are for the rich kids.) And then you have to wait for the dialog box to paint.

回到很久很久以前(这里指的是Windows 1.0的时候)(译注:1985年),显卡(译注:那时候最多叫显示适配器,与现在的显卡不完全是一个概念,例如并没有任何3D能力可言)速度很慢,CPU速度很慢,内存的速度也很慢。点一下会弹出对话框的菜单项,需要等个几秒钟来让这个对话框(的数据)从软盘上加载出来。(那时候硬盘是土豪才玩得起的东西。)接下来还得等这个对话框在屏幕上描绘出来。

To save valuable seconds, dialog boxes are created initially hidden and all typeahead is processed while the dialog stays hidden. Only after the typeahead is finished is the dialog box finally shown. And if you typed far ahead enough and hit Enter, you might even have been able to finish the entire dialog box without it ever being shown! Now that’s efficiency.


Of course, nowadays, programs are stored on hard drives and you can’t (normally) out-type a hard drive, so this optimization is largely wasted, but the behavior remains for compatibility reasons.


Actually this behavior still serves a useful purpose: If the dialog were initially created visible, then the user would be able to see all the controls being created into it, and watch as WM_INITDIALOG ran (changing default values, hiding and showing controls, moving controls around…) This is both ugly and distracting. (“How come the box comes up checked, then suddenly unchecks itself before I can click on it?”)



  1. 现在Web开发就是,很多框架不尊重历史,先渲染对话框,再渲染内容(当年是软盘,现在是网络),导致提示文本经常跑到对话框外边。


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