Day 8472 洛奇HS绕过工具

2013 / 12 / 11
Updating of this page is suspended due to my AFK from Mabinogi, please visit the patch board of YYDZH forum for latest updates of the patches.

2013 / 06 / 02


Notice: the following content are forwarded from YYDZH forum. If you really care about virus pollution of forwarded contents, please click on the original link to download from the source.

HS绕过工具CrackShield(全服通用,支持Windows 8)【YY原始发布地址 Original forum topic of YYDZH
Caution: From version R15 Crackshield was updated and is completely NOT compatible with the old files, please delete the old HSLaunch.exe and dinput8.dll before putting the new one into your Mabinogi directory.

更新时间/Update time: 2013 – 05 -19
更新时间/Update time: 2013 – 04 – 30

内存补丁MLP 3.0.2(2013-05-08)

Ver 3.0.2:MLP_v3.0.2_yydzh.rar
Ver 3.0.1:MLP_v3.0.1_yydzh.rar
Ver 2.2.0:MLP_v2.2.0_yydzh.rar(200KB)



使用方法 / Usage:


1.Extract HSLauncher.exe and dinput8.dll into your Mabinogi folder. (e.g. If you have Mabinogi installed into C:\Program Files\Mabinogi , then extract the files into this folder.)

2、每次启动游戏前,首先执行HSLaunch.exe,待托盘(屏幕右下角)中出现小盾牌并有气泡提示洛奇的安装路径(例如:C:\Program Files\Mabinogi)后再启动游戏。

2.Run HSLaunch.exe every time before you launch the game if you didn’t, and wait until the little shield icon (with blue (or red, as it may vary between versions) cross stripes on it) appear in the system tray (the area where your system usually display the clock and volume control icons) and the prompt bubble pops up with your Mabinogi installation path.


3.Now you may launch you game and care about Crackshield no more. The way to end its process is double clicking on its tray icon.

海森堡多开使用方法 / Usage of the “Heisenburg (海森堡)” multi-launch assistant:


1.Extract MabinogiLoader.exe and MabinogiPlus.dll into your Mabinogi folder.

2、以后使用MabinogiLoader.exe启动游戏,可以优化Launcher的卡住问题。Vista / Win7用户如发现游戏无法启动,请使用右键菜单中的「以管理员身份运行」。一劳永逸地办法是:右键MabinogiLoader.exe,选择属性,在「兼容性」选项卡中为「以管理员身份运行此程序」打钩,点击确定退出。

2.Launch your game with MabinogiLoader.exe instead of the official Mabinogi.exe. This assistant program will solve the problem the freeze while examining the ping value of servers with single-threaded official launcher. If you found nothing happened after launching the MabinogiLoader.exe and you’re using Windows Vista or Windows 7, please have your right mouse key clicked on the Loader icon and select [Run as Administrator]. To avoid right clicking every time you want to launch game, right click on the icon and select [properties], and have the [Run as administrator] check-box checked in the [Compatibility] tab.

关于「Lost connection with Crackshield. Try Again?」/ Solving the Crackshield prompt of “Lost connection with Crackshield”:


Check if Crackshield was terminated accidentally by checking if the shield icon is still in the system tray, and run HSLaunched.exe again if necessary.

关于给HSLaunch.exe建立快捷方式 / Making shortcut to HSLaunch.exe:


Make sure the working path (the ‘starting position’ in the shortcut properties) is your Mabinogi installation path. Otherwise Crackshield will fail to locate the HackShield and thus fail to start.

关于海森堡多开的快速启动模式 / The fast launch mode of “Heisenburg” multi-launcher:


Heisenburg multi-launcher has a fast-launch mode to skip the original launcher and launch the game client directly. You have to follow these instruction to configure the function:

1.Fully launch the game once by running MabinogiLoader.exe, including selecting the server in the launcher, checking the update and finally launch the client. This step is to let the multi-launcher save the command line of launching the client.

2.Open MabinogiPlus.xml in your Mabinogi folder, and look for <FastRun>0</FastRun>change the figure “0” to “1”.

3.Next time just use the MabinogiLoader.exe and enjoy the fast launch of Mabinogi. If you are using Windows Vista or 7, please follow the section of usage of Heisenburg to run the multi-launcher as administrator, as the client.exe requires admin privileges.


  1. 那个模拟的是EHSvc和游戏客户端之间的通信……

  2. 可能没有,CrackShield应该就是通过在Dinput8上对HS进行拦截达到目的的,如果有其它使用此方法的插件可能无法避免冲突。


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